Disclaimer / Terms of Use

By using the WeatherSources website(content) you acknowledge and accept the following (except where not applicable by law):

I am just some random person on the internet. I use "WeatherSources" website, social media post, etc. to communicate weather interest, storm related information or reports, etc. and a place to organize and store links and information I've gathered over the years. I am not a trained professional. Do not use any of this content or social media post as guidance or advice for life saving decisions (ie: to evacuate or not, what supplies to obtain, financial (Whether construction investments, insurance, hotel or other travel expenses, etc.), or other advice. I enjoy weather and just want to share that with others and help point them in the direction I believe may help and answer their questions. I do not forecast the weather. I leave that to the trained professionals. Listen and head the advice of official weather services such as NOAA/NWS and local/regional government entities that may issue evacuation orders (or other life saving advice/orders) and seek additional services, if the need warrants it, for help with evacuating, finding shelters, etc.

Much of the content found here is provided by others (defined as someone (whether individual, groups, organizations, services, etc. other than myself) and as such is subject to their availability and ability to provide that information in a timely manner which may be subject to delays due to technology, website visitor cookies, internet availability, etc. Delays are possible and do occur from time to time.

  • If you do not like or agree with this, I hope you'll find an alternative site.

  • Last Updated: February 9, 2024

  • Last Reviewed: February 9, 2024

Oh joy, there's always fine print somewhere...