Privacy Policy

  • I do not collect personally identifying information, but web services (including the host that provides access to this website), social media platforms, donation/payment systems, email or other contact services, your service provider(s), and your own devices & software used to access WeatherSources (site/website) content may and you will need to review their privacy policies.

  • The host of this website provides some user(visitor) insights which I use to improve site performance & content (such as add additional features, links and information, access to other world weather regions content, and future plans (such as additional weather related content to specific regions of the world). The information they share with me includes, but may not be limited to:

  • Number of site visitors.

  • Number of unique site visitors.

  • Country of visitor.

  • How many visitors viewed website on which day.

  • Whether desktop or mobile version of website was accessed.

  • Links lead to other websites which may (and very likely) have their own Privacy Policy.

  • I cannot control websites, nor the content of others but will try to regularly test links to ensure they are all family friendly / correct.

  • I reserve the right to modify this policy at any time, but will post updates on this page.

  • If you do not like or agree with this, I hope you'll find an alternative site.

  • Last Updated: February 8, 2024

  • Last Reviewed: February 8, 2024

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